upgrade Skedler 5.5.2 to 5.6.0 for report on Kibana ( use with Security onion )
==referred: https://support.skedler.com/support/solutions/articles/8000096623-install-on-rpm-based-linux-centos-rhel-almalinux-rockylinux-
==start on test-server
cd /opt
service skedler stop
mv skedler-xg skedler-xg_5.5.2_work
curl -O https://skedler-v5-releases.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/latest/skedler-xg.tar.gz
sudo tar xzf skedler-xg.tar.gz
cd skedler-xg
sudo chmod -R 777 *
===edit reporting.yaml
isOfflineEnvironment: true
Redis port 6380
# Skedler default username and password. Enable this only if you sets `isOfflineEnvironment` as true. You can change username & skedlerUsername: ‘adm@abc.com’
skedlerPassword: ‘ABC’
##################################################### HOST SETTINGS ######################################################
# The port which skedler runs
serverPort: 3005
# The port which skedler need to run redis
redisPort: 6380
# The host to bind the skedler
host: ‘103.x.y.z’
===end configure ===
service skedler start
netstat -ntlp | grep 3005